The following statement of faith forms the foundation of what we believe and
teach at Cypress Grove Academy:
The Scriptures
We believe
that scripture is the inspired Word of God and both the
Old and New Testaments are infallible in their teaching. We believe that
Scripture is the supreme and final authority for all of faith and life.
Godhead – We believe in One Sovereign, Holy, and eternal God through whom
all things were created and are sustained, existing in three distinct and equal
persons: the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
God the Father- We believe that God the Father is the creator and sustainer of
all things. He necessarily exists, is omniscient, omnipresent and omnipotent.
As the creator and sustainer of all things, he takes initiative in the revelation of
himself and the salvation of his people and presides as King over all of the
Christ the Son is the only begotten and incarnate Son of God, born of a virgin;
he exercised his rule over all of creation through his miracles, he provided
expiation for our sins through his death, and bodily resurrection. He
ascended into heaven to sit on the right hand of God where he intercedes on
our behalf before his physical return.
The Holy Spirit indwells believers, convicting them of sin, teaching, and
equipping them for a life set apart unto God; illuminates the Word of God;
and is the Comforter manifesting the presence of God in the life of believers.
Humankind was created sinless and in the image of God. Through the
disobedient sin of Adam, he and all of his offspring are justly, irrevocably
alienated from God and condemned to death, desperately in need of
Salvation for the believer comes through grace alone, by no merit of the
individual, through faith in the finished work of Christ on the Cross.
The End of all things culminate in the bodily return of Jesus Christ to preside
as Judge over all of humanity; the bodily resurrection of both the just and the
unjust; the just to the eternal presence of God and the unjust to eternal
For more details regarding our statement of Faith and position on human
sexuality and marriage, please reference the Gospel Coalition’s Confessional
Statement that can be found on their website.
Cypress Grove Academy teaches and upholds traditional Christian morality
and the Bible as the divinely inspired word of God. We warmly welcome
families of other faiths, while asking that all students and their families
respect our distinctive Christian identity. In all our instructions we are
respectful of other faiths, while humbly maintaining the truths of our
Christian faith.